02/20/25 | CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL OF COMMISSION MEMBERS: | Optional Category | PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION | Emergency Operations Center |  |
02/20/25 | PZ-017-24 - PUBLIC HEARING/ACTION: Gregory C. and Loralee Wuertz Family Trust owner, W. Ralph Pew, Pew & Lake PLC, applicant, requesting approval of a rezone from General Rural (GR) to Industrial Zoning (I-3) on approximately 160± acres to develop a photovoltaic solar energy production facility, situated in a portion of Section 31, T05S, R09E, G&SRB&M, tax parcels 202-35-0040, located in the Coolidge/Valley Farms area east of Highway 87, at the northwest corner of E Bartlett Rd and N Clemens Rd. | Optional Category 2 | PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION | Emergency Operations Center |  |
02/20/25 | PZ-PD-011-24 – PUBLIC HEARING/ACTION: Gregory C. and Loralee Wuertz Family Trust owner, W. Ralph Pew, Pew & Lake PCL, applicant, requesting approval of a 160± acres Planned Area Development (PAD) Overlay District consistent with case PZ-017-24 (160± acres); situated in a portion of Section 31, T05S, R09E, G&SRB&M, tax parcels 202-35-0040, located in the Coolidge/Valley Farms area east of Highway 87, at the northwest corner of E Bartlett Rd and N Clemens Rd. | Optional Category 2 | PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION | Emergency Operations Center |  |
02/20/25 | PZ-PD-015-24 – Major PAD Amendment for Combs and Encanterra Senior Living II | Optional Category 2 | PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION | Emergency Operations Center |  |
02/20/25 | PLANNING MANAGER REPORT (INFORMATION ITEM) | Optional Category | PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION | Emergency Operations Center |  |
02/20/25 | Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the public will have physical access to the meeting room at 8:45 AM. Posted this 13th day of February around 5:00 p.m. Harvey Krauss | Footer | PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION | Emergency Operations Center |  |
02/20/25 | PZ-016-24 - PUBLIC HEARING/ACTION: Melissa Richards, Arizona Quality RV and Boat Storage LLC, landowner and applicant requesting approval of a rezoning of 2.84± acres from General Rural (GR) Zone to General Commercial (C-3) Zoning District to allow for development of a RV and Boat Storage Facility, Located Southwest of US Highway 60, approximately one half mile north of E El Camino Viejo. Section 35, Township 1 South, Range 9 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Pinal county, Arizona, Tax parcel 104-15-0030 (Legal on file). | Optional Category 2 | PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION | Emergency Operations Center |  |
02/20/25 | CALL TO THE COMMISSION (DISCUSSION ITEM) | Optional Category 3 | PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION | Emergency Operations Center |  |
02/19/25 | 2024 Capital Fund Program-Five Year Action Plan | Consent Item | BOS REGULAR SESSION | Board Meeting Room |  |
02/19/25 | County Manager's Report | Opening Item | BOS REGULAR SESSION | Board Meeting Room |  |
02/19/25 | Supervisor District update(s) | Opening Item | BOS REGULAR SESSION | Board Meeting Room |  |
02/19/25 | Minutes | Consent Item | BOS REGULAR SESSION | Board Meeting Room |  |
02/19/25 | Current Billings | Consent Item | BOS REGULAR SESSION | Board Meeting Room |  |
02/19/25 | Call to the Public | Regular Item | BOS REGULAR SESSION | Board Meeting Room |  |
02/19/25 | Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the public will have physical access to the meeting room at 9:15 AM. | Footer | BOS REGULAR SESSION | Board Meeting Room |  |