Heading - Add an empty motion.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024
9:35 AM


Chairman Mike Goodman

Supervisor, District 2

Vice-Chairman Jeffrey McClure 

 Supervisor, District 4

Kevin Cavanaugh
Supervisor, District 1

Stephen Q. Miller
Supervisor, District 3

Jeff Serdy
Supervisor, District 5




Members/Staff Present

All Presentations are attached to the Agenda at:

Click Here to View the Regular Session Agenda


and a Video Recording of this meeting can be viewed at:

Click Here to View Video Recording


Vice-Chairman Jeffrey McClure, Presiding as Chairman offered for the Invocation by Pastor James "Jim" Bleess, Methodist Church of the Good Shepherd, Kearny and the pledge of allegiance by Supervisor Serdy.


The Pinal County Board of Supervisors convened at 9:35 a.m. this date. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Jeffrey McClure, Presiding as Chairman with the announcement Chairman Goodman is absent. 


Members Present: Vice-Chairman Jeffrey McClure, Presiding as Chairman; Supervisor Kevin Cavanaugh; Supervisor Stephen Q. Miller; Supervisor Jeff Serdy


Members Absent: Chairman Mike Goodman


Staff Present: County Manager, Leo Lew; Chief Civil Deputy County Attorney, Chris Keller; Clerk of the Board, Natasha Kennedy and Deputy Clerk of the Board, Kelsey Pickard


Call to the Public - Consideration and discussion of comments from the public. Those wishing to address the Pinal County Board of Supervisors need not request permission in advance. Action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or rescheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.

Click Here for Call to the Public Guidelines

Item Action: Public Comments
(2)Presentation of Certificates of Service to employees for 20 and 25 years. (Leo Lew)
Item Action: Information Only
(3)County Manager's Report (Information Only). (Leo Lew)
Item Action: Information Only
(4)Supervisor District update(s) regarding notable current or upcoming events concerning the district (Information Only). (Mike Goodman)
Item Action: Information Only
(5)Discussion/approval/disapproval of the Proclamation proclaiming the week of March 18, 2024, through March 22, 2024, as "Public Defense Week" to recognize the 61st anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling in Gideon v. Wainwright, ordering that defendants without means must be provided professional legal representation in accordance with the 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution. (Paul Lovelis/Cathryn Whalen)
Item Action: Approved
(6)Discussion/approval/disapproval of a Proclamation adopting April 2, 2024, through April  8, 2024, as "International Dark Sky Week" in Pinal County. Proclamation to be read into the record by David Coward. (James Daniels) 
Item Action: Approved
(7)Discussion/approval/disapproval of a Proclamation of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors proclaiming the month of April 2024, as “National Child Abuse Prevention Month” in Pinal County. (Natasha Kennedy)
Item Action: Approved

Recognition: The Pinal County Board of Supervisors officially recognizes the AmeriCorps NCC Team and the services they are providing for Pinal County. National Civilian Community Corps, or AmeriCorps NCCC is an AmeriCorps program that engages 18 to 24 year-olds in team-based national and community service in the United States. By The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension by Melissa Elliot. (Natasha Kennedy)

Item Action: Information Only

Recognition: Acknowledge the notable contributions of Justice of the Peace, Lyle Riggs, who has dutifully served as the elected official responsible for Precinct 4, Western Pinal District of the Pinal County Justice Court from 2014 through February 2, 2024. We commend Judge Riggs for his steadfast commitment to upholding the principles of justice and for his unwavering dedication to the community he has served. (Mike Goodman) 

Item Action: Information Only

Discussion/approval/disapproval of the recommendation by the Justice of the Peace Selection Committee for the appointment to the Pinal County Justice of the Peace, Western Pinal Justice Court, Precinct #4, to fill the remainder of the term left by the resignation of Justice of the Peace, Lyle Riggs. The appointee will serve in this appointed position effective April 8, 2024, and shall continue to serve until the official county 2024 General Election Canvass is approved by the Board. (Kevin Cavanaugh/Stephen Miller) No recommended appointee was named by the committee; further discussion on the appointment will be conducted during the meeting.

Item Action: No Recommended Appointee from the Justice of the Peace Selection Committee, No Action

(11)Discussion and update(s) regarding the 2024 state and federal legislative session, including bills, budget proposals, committee hearings, and pending or proposed upcoming legislation requests from Board of Supervisor members, state or federal legislators, or their staff in attendance. (Stephen Miller)
Item Action: Information Only
(12)Discussion of updates related to the Elections Department and County Recorder for operations and preparation for upcoming elections. (Dana Lewis) 
Item Action: Information Only
(13)Purchasing Division Report - March 20, 2024. (Angeline Woods)
Item Action: Approved
All items indicated by an asterisk (*) will be handled by a single vote as part of the consent agenda, unless a Board Member, County Manager, or member of the public objects at the time the agenda item is called.

Discussion/approval/disapproval of the current billings before the Board. (Natasha Kennedy)

Item Action: Approved

*B.Discussion/approval/disapproval of the recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor License and Control for the Special Event License Application of Leslie Jo Bryant for the Superior Little League 16th Annual Golf Tournament Event to be held at the Queen Valley Golf Course, located at 600 N. Fairway Dr., Queen Valley, AZ 85118 on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Additionally, authorizing the Clerk of the Board to execute and submit all necessary documents to the State. Supervisor District #5. (Natasha Kennedy) 

Item Action: Approved

*C.Discussion/approval/disapproval of the recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor License and Control for the Special Event License Application of Robert Steven Mendoza for the St. Francis of Assisi Parish Golf Tournament Event to be held at the Queen Valley Golf Course, located at 600 N. Fairway Dr., Queen Valley, AZ 85118 on Saturday, May 11, 2024, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Additionally, authorizing the Clerk of the Board to execute and submit all necessary documents to the State. Supervisor District #5. (Natasha Kennedy)

Item Action: Approved


Discussion/approval/disapproval of Supervisor Kevin Cavanaugh's appointment of Christopher Evripidou, Finance Manager with the City of Maricopa, to the Audit Charter Committee to serve out the term due to a current vacancy, said term of service will be from March 21, 2024, through December 31, 2024. Supervisor District #1. (Natasha Kennedy)

Item Action: Approved


Discussion/approval/disapproval of Chairman Mike Goodman's appointment of William Edward Tanner of Florence, Arizona 85132, to the CORPS Local Detention Officers Retirement Board to serve out the term due to a current vacancy, said term of service will be from March 21, 2024, through August 28, 2026. (Natasha Kennedy)

Item Action: Approved

*F.Discussion/approval/disapproval of the Tax Exemption Extension request received by the Assessor's Office for: Dessie Jones, Kelly Ember McCue, Duong Thuy Nga, William A. Agnew, and Francisco M. Moreno to be allowed to file for widow/widowers and/or disabled persons or non-profit organization tax exemption. (Natasha Kennedy) 

Item Action: Approved

*G.Discussion/approval/disapproval to submit a grant application to Salt River Project’s Community Giving Program for $6,600, and authorize, if awarded, the Clerk of the Board to accept an award. This grant will be used by the Clerk of the Board's Office to fund the Pinal County Annual Boards and Commissions Volunteer Appreciation event to be held on April 24, 2024. (Natasha Kennedy) 

Item Action: Approved

*H.Discussion/approval/disapproval of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Pinal County Regional Transportation Authority and Pinal County for Cooperative Services. (Chris Keller/Leo Lew)

Item Action: Approved

*I.Discussion/approval/disapproval of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Pinal County Animal Care and Control and the Town of Superior. This IGA is for contracting services, jointly exercising powers common to the contracting parties, and taking joint or cooperative action pursuant to A.R.S. 11-952. This is at no cost to the County. The term of this contract will remain in effect until June of 2026. (Audra Michael/MaryEllen Sheppard)

Item Action: Approved

*J.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Fair Housing Resolution No. 032024-FHR, a Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Pinal adopting a Fair Housing Policy-making known its commitment to the principle of Fair Housing and describing actions it shall undertake to affirmatively further fair housing. (Rolanda Cephas/Cathryn Whalen) 

Item Action: Approved

*K.Discussion/approval/disapproval of an amendment to the FY 23/24 budget to transfer reserve appropriation from Fund 10 (Contractual Services - Regular Wages) to Fund 10 (Superior Court and Justice Courts) for the statutory salary increase for the Superior Court Judges, Justice Court Judges, and Commissioners beginning January 1, 2024 (as determined by Arizona Revised Statutes 22-125, 12-213(B), and 12-128). The appropriation is a prorated amount for January through June to increase expenditures. The remaining amount will be budgeted in the FY 24/25 budget. (Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved

*L.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-HOPE, a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Gila River Indian Community Shared Revenue Program and for Pinal County to serve as the fiscal agent. The applicant, HOPE International Food Pantry is requesting $30,000 for a supplemental nutrition program. Supervisor District #1. (Heather Patel/Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved


Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-FORM, a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Gila River Indian Community Shared Revenue Program and for Pinal County to serve as the fiscal agent. The applicant, FOR Maricopa is requesting $300,000 for site improvements to their property. Supervisor District #1. (Heather Patel/Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved


Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-MANES, a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Gila River Indian Community Shared Revenue Program and for Pinal County to serve as the fiscal agent. The applicant, Manes and Miracles is requesting $14,000 for equine assisted therapy scholarships. Supervisor District #2. (Heather Patel/Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved

*O.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-MGF, a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Gila River Indian Community Shared Revenue Program and for Pinal County to serve as the fiscal agent. The applicant, Mary Gloria Foundation is requesting $185,234 for health and wellness activities for families. Supervisor District #2. (Heather Patel/Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved

*P.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-RFRD, a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Gila River Indian Community Shared Revenue Program and for Pinal County to serve as the fiscal agent. The applicant, Regional Fire and Rescue Department is requesting $158,485 for fire equipment and station maintenance support. Supervisor District #3. (Heather Patel/Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved

*Q.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-PIANO, a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Gila River Indian Community Shared Revenue Program and for Pinal County to serve as the fiscal agent. The applicant, Oracle Piano Society is requesting $79,600 for a free music conservatory. Supervisor District #4. (Heather Patel/Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved

*R.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-TLAR, a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Gila River Indian Community Shared Revenue Program and for Pinal County to serve as the fiscal agent. The applicant, Triangle L Art Ranch, Inc. is requesting $34,300 for sculptures in the park. Supervisor District #4. (Heather Patel/Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved


Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-HHW, a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Gila River Indian Community Shared Revenue Program and for Pinal County to serve as the fiscal agent. The applicant, Horizon Health and Wellness is requesting $363,000 for Horizon House, a non-congregate shelter. Supervisor District #5. (Heather Patel/Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved


Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-LEAF, a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Gila River Indian Community Shared Revenue Program and for Pinal County to serve as the fiscal agent. The applicant, A New Leaf, is requesting $50,000 for housing stability services. (Heather Patel/Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved


Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-CAREDF, a Resolution authorizing the submission of a grant application for the Gila River Indian Community Shared Revenue Program and for Pinal County to serve as the fiscal agent. The applicant, Central Arizona Regional Economic Foundation is requesting $75,000 for Achieve Pinal Literacy Program. (Heather Patel/Angeline Woods)

Item Action: Approved


Discussion/approval/disapproval to retroactively submit a grant application to the Arizona Department of Economic Security for additional Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds in response to ALERT 24-001: PY21/FY22 "One-Time Funding Opportunities" for $160,000, and if awarded, authorize the Department Director to accept the award. This grant will be used by the Economic and Workforce Development Department to purchase a cloud-based referral system for ARIZONA@WORK Pinal County. The funds must be expended by June 30, 2024. Acceptance of the award requires an amendment to the FY 23/24 budget to transfer reserve appropriation from Fund 213 (Grants/Project Contingency) to Fund 298 (ED-Workforce Innovation-WIOA) to increase revenue and expenditure appropriations. There is no impact on the General Fund. (Joel Millman/James Smith)

Item Action: Approved


Discussion/approval/disapproval of the acceptance of donations for the State Transportation Board Dinner that will be held on March 14, 2024. Acceptance requires an amendment to the FY 23/24 budget to transfer reserve appropriation from Fund 213 (Grants/Project Contingency) to Fund 10 (Public Works-General Fund) to increase revenue and expenditure appropriations. (Tami Ryall/Joe Ortiz)

Item Action: Approved

*X.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Award Agreement No. 693JJ32440204 under the FY23 Safe Streets For All program between the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Pinal County, through the Pinal County Board of Supervisors, beginning upon execution from the FHWA, ending 36 months thereafter, for $260,000. 20% local match of $65,000 will come from Road Excise Tax Traffic Safety funds. This grant will be used by the Development Services Department to create a Comprehensive Road Safety "Action Plan." The funding will be included in the FY 24/25 budget. (Dedrick Denton/Joe Ortiz)

Item Action: Approved

*Y.Discussion/approval/disapproval of a Final Plat for Ware Farms-Parcel 1B. Supervisor District #2. (FP21-073) (Lindsey Randall/Joe Ortiz) 

Item Action: Approved

*Z.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-RD23-128 accepting a new Third Party Trust Assurance Agreement No. 202305, associated with and subsequent to the bulk sale purchase of San Tan Gateway Unit 1A, Parcel 18, located in Section 13, Township 3 South, Range 8 East. Supervisor District #2. (RD23-128) (Christopher Wanamaker/Joe Ortiz)

Item Action: Approved

*AA.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-RD23-129 accepting a new Third Party Trust Assurance Agreement No. 202305, associated with and subsequent to the purchase of San Tan Gateway Unit 1A, Parcel 19, located in Section 13, Township 3 South, Range 8 East. Supervisor District #2. (RD23-129) (Christopher Wanamaker/Joe Ortiz)

Item Action: Approved

*AB.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-RD23-130 accepting a new Third Party Trust Assurance Agreement No. 202305, associated with and subsequent to the purchase of San Tan Gateway Unit 1A, Parcel 20, located in Section 13, Township 3 South, Range 8 East. Supervisor District #2. (RD23-130) (Christopher Wanamaker/Joe Ortiz)

Item Action: Approved


Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-RD23-131 accepting a new Third Party Trust Assurance Agreement No. 202305, associated with and subsequent to the purchase of San Tan Gateway Unit 1A, Parcel 22, located in Section 13, Township 3 South, Range 8 East. Supervisor District #2. (RD23-131) (Christopher Wanamaker/Joe Ortiz)

Item Action: Approved

*AD.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-RD23-127 releasing the current financial assurance Third Party Trust Assurance Agreement No. 201434-T, associated with Entrada Del Oro Unit 2-Parcel 2B and accepting Maintenance Bond No. K41798105, located in Section 30, Township 1 South, Range 10 East. Supervisor District #5. (RD23-127) (Christopher Wanamaker/Joe Ortiz)

Item Action: Approved

*AE.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Board of Supervisor's Year End Report. (Jill Broussard)

Item Action: Continued to April 3, 2024, Board Meeting


Discussion/approval/disapproval of Waiver of Conflict of Interest for Legal Services Concerning the Technology Consortium. (April Holley/Jill Broussard)

Item Action: Approved

*AG.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-PCSO1 authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Gila River Indian Community, Revenue Sharing Program for $145,299.03. This grant will be used by the Sheriff’s Office to purchase a DUI processing van. (Mark Lamb)

Item Action: Approved

*AH.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-PCSO2 authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Gila River Indian Community, Revenue Sharing Program for $26,224.25. This grant will be used by the Sheriff’s Office to purchase an enclosed trailer. (Mark Lamb)

Item Action: Approved

*AI.Discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-GRIC-PCSO3 authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Gila River Indian Community, Revenue Sharing Program for $240,833.32. This grant will be used by the Sheriff’s Office to purchase two 2024 Dodge Durango’s. (Mark Lamb)

Item Action: Approved

*AJ.Discussion/approval/disapproval for Lieutenant Matthew Hull #1281 who will be retiring from Pinal County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) Adult Detention Center, effective March 29, 2024. Lt. Hull #1281 has requested that, in compliance with established precedence and protocol, he be permitted to purchase his PCSO issued duty weapon, identified as Glock 17 at $25. Fair market value for Glock 17 is approximately $420. Purchase of issued weapon upon retirement is also in compliance with A.R.S. 38-1115A which allows a law enforcement officer upon his/her retirement to purchase his/her issued weapon at a price determined by the administrator of the agency. (Mark Lamb)

Item Action: Approved

*AK.Discussion/approval/disapproval for Watchtower Firearms who is requesting to donate (at no-cost) and permanently transfer two (2) Short Barrel Rifles to the Pinal County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) for evaluation and official duty use. The listed Short Barrel Rifles shall remain the property of the PCSO. The rifles will remain in the care, custody, and control of licensed PCSO Peace Officers for testing and official duty use. 1. Watchtower, Type 15M CQB, 5.56 Caliber, 10.5" Chrome Lined Cold Hammer Forged Barrel, B5 Systems Type 23 P-Grip, B5 Systems Bravo Stock, MAGPUL MBUS Sights, Black, Short Barrel Rifle, Cost: 0.00.  Government Price: $961.92. MSRP: $1,499 See Government Catalog Page 6 for Specs- Forged Receiver Set with MILSPEC components. 2. Watchtower, Type 15 CQB, 5.56 Caliber, 10.5" Chrome Lined Cold Hammer Forged Barrel, PVD Coated Bolt Carrier Group, Hyperfire EDT2 Heavy Gunner Trigger, AMBI Charging Handle, AMBI Safety Selector, PVD Coated Flat Face Muzzle Brake, B5 Systems Type23 P-Grip, B5 System Bravo Stock, MAGPUL MBUS Sights, Black, Short Barrel Rifle, Cost: 0.00. Government Price:$1,198.67, MSRP: $1,599 (See Government Catalog for Specs- billet Receiver Set with enhanced components.) See Government Catalog Page 9 for Specs- Billet Receiver Set with enhanced components. (Mark Lamb)

Item Action: Approved

Regular Item
(15)Meeting of the Pinal County Library District Board of Directors. (Shawn Flecken/Cathryn Whalen)
Item Action: Convened into the Pinal County Library District Board Agenda

Public Hearing and discussion/approval/disapproval of Ordinance No. 2024-PZ-PA-012-23, an Ordinance approving case PZ-PA-012-23; Brady and Brady Properties LLC, Brady James Dean Living Trust, and Marietta Brady, owners, Jessica Sarkissian — agent/applicant, requesting an approval of a non-major comprehensive plan amendment to designate 27.92± acres from Mid Intensity Activity Center to Employment, situated in Section 13, Township 06 South, Ranger 05 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian; Tax parcels: 503-34-002A, 503-34-002B, 503-34-003, 503-34-004A, (legal on file), located 0.75 miles west of North Thornton Road along West Maricopa Casa Grande Highway in the Casa Grande vicinity, in Pinal County. The Planning Commission recommended approval unanimously (9-0) of case PZ-PA-012-23 with no stipulations. Supervisor District #3. (LaRee Mason/Brent Billingsley)

Item Action: Approved as presented with no Stipulations
(17)Public Hearing and discussion/approval/disapproval of Ordinance No. 2024-PZ-049-23, an Ordinance approving case PZ-049-23; Brady and Brady Properties LLC, Brady James Dean Living Trust, and Marietta Brady, owners, Jessica Sarkissian — agent/applicant, requesting an approval of a rezone of 27.92± acres from GR (General Rural) to I-2 (Light Industrial and Warehouse) to allow the development of an industrial complex; situated in Section 13, Township 06 South, Ranger 05 East of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian; Tax parcels: 503-34-002A, 503-34-002B, 503-34-003,  503-34-004A, (legal on file), located 0.75 miles west of North Thornton Road along West Maricopa Casa Grande Highway in the Casa Grande vicinity, in Pinal County. The Planning Commission recommended approval (8-1) of case PZ-049-23 with ten (10) stipulations. Supervisor District #3. (LaRee Mason/Brent Billingsley)
Item Action: Approved as presented with ten (10) Stipulations
(18)Public Hearing and discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-RD23-132, a Resolution ordering the abandonment and extinguishment of an easement comprising a portion of Greasewood Street and Muleshoe Road. Supervisor District #5. (RD23-132) (Celeste Garza/Joe Ortiz) 

Item Action: Tabled Indefinitely 

(19)Public Hearing and discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 032024-PCSO the revised fee schedule for the Pinal County Sheriff's Office Records Department as per A.R.S. 11-251.08, A.R.S. 39-129, and County Policy #2.85. (Mark Lamb)
Item Action: Approved

Discussion/approval/disapproval of a fiscal year 2023 - 2024 budget amendment to increase expenditure capacity in the Constables general fund cost center for one (1) Deputy Constable position and associated operational expenses. The approval of this item authorizes an amendment transferring capacity from the general fund financial stability reserve up to $159,000. The increase in budget capacity includes one-time appropriations of up to $80,000 for (1) vehicle with up-fit, which may be received in a future fiscal year, and ongoing appropriations of up to $74,000 for wages and EREs. Approval of this item will also increase the future fiscal year. (Scott Elliott)

Item Action: Approved
(21)Discussion/approval/disapproval of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) by and between the Arizona Department of Revenue, Pinal County, and Pinal Regional Transportation Authority. This IGA will provide the authority and mechanism for the parties to work jointly in the validation, reconciliation and processing of qualified claimant's requests for a refund or waiver of Pinal County Transportation Excise Tax which was invalidated by the Arizona Supreme Court in Vangilder v. Arizona Department of Revenue, No. CV-20-0040-PR. (Chris Keller/Leo Lew)
Item Action: Approved
(22)Discussion of Board Members' request for future agenda item(s) and/or reports to be presented at upcoming meetings. (Mike Goodman)
Item Action: Information Only