Public Hearing and discussion/approval/disapproval of Resolution No. 2022-PZ-PA-011-22, a Resolution approving case PZ-PA-011-22, a Major Comprehensive Plan Amendment proposal requested by Pinal County, requesting approval of a Major Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the 2019 Pinal County Comprehensive Plan to amend the text of Chapter 7, Environmental Stewardship, Subsection Energy. The proposed amendment will modify the referenced chapter and provide to the Comprehensive Plan a guiding framework of Goals, Objectives, and Policies, for many Green Energy applications at different installation scales, including wind energy, to ensure quality, safety, and maximum benefits for small and large property owners, desert vistas, and the desert environment, while the amendment will diversify energy opportunities for Pinal County residents. The Planning Commission recommended denial (0-8) of case PZ-PA-011-22. (Evan Evangelopoulos/Brent Billingsley) |